เผยแพร่เมื่อ : พฤหัสบดี 17 มิถุนายน 2564 โดย ออมทรัพย์ อินกองงาม จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 1,221 คน
Invite instructor, researchers, staff and students of RMUTL to attend the seminar on the topic : Autonomous Navigation for Highway Driving : Design and Simulate Lane Change Maneuver System
Learn how to develop an automated lane change maneuver (LCM) system for highway driving scenario using Automated Driving Toolbox and Navigation Toolbox. An automated lane change maneuver system enables a self-driving vehicle to automatically move from one lane to another lane. This webinar shows how to design and test the path planning and control components of an LCM system.
This webinar includes how to design and integrate the following subsystems used in automated lane change maneuver:
Please allow approximately 45 minutes to attend the presentation and Q&A session. We will be recording this webinar, so if you can't make it for the live broadcast, register and we will send you a link to watch it on-demand.
Mihir Acharya, Product Manager, MathWorks
Mihir Acharya supports Robotics and Autonomous Systems applications at MathWorks, focusing on Autonomous Navigation. Prior to MathWorks, Mihir has worked with ABB Corporate Research where he designed robot end effectors for pick-and-place. Mihir also worked with Omron Robotics and developed path planning applications for mobile robots. Mihir has an M.S. in Robotics Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).
Pitambar Dayal, Product Manager, MathWorks
Pitambar Dayal is a product manager for automated driving toolbox at MathWorks. In the past, he has worked on building MATLAB examples for deep learning, image processing, and computer vision and on developing healthcare solutions in developing countries. Pitambar graduated with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology.
For teachers, staff, staff 's RMUTL who are interested in attending the training Must proceed with registration through the system. to send information for attending the webinar according to the specified date and time