โลโก้เว็บไซต์ กิจกรรมประชาสัมพันธ์ : Special seminar

กิจกรรมประชาสัมพันธ์ : Special seminar "Deep Learning Overview for Images and Video" โดย Dr. Loren Shure  Consulting Application Engineer, MathWorks

เผยแพร่เมื่อ : อังคาร 11 พฤษภาคม 2564 โดย ออมทรัพย์ อินกองงาม จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 498 คน

ยังไม่มีคะแนนสำหรับบทความนี้ ผู้อ่านสามารถให้คะแนนบทความได้จากปุ่มข้างใต้

ขอเชิญชวนอาจารย์ นักวิจัย บุคลากร และนักศึกษา มทร.ล้านนา เข้าร่วมงานสัมมนาสุดพิเศษในหัวข้อ "Deep Learning Overview for Images and Video" โดย Dr. Loren Shure  Consulting Application Engineer, MathWorks

MathWorks developers have purpose-built MATLAB’s deep learning functionality for engineering and science workflows. We understand that success goes beyond just developing a deep learning model.  Ultimately, models need to be incorporated into an entire system design workflow to deliver a product or a service to the market.

The aim of the session is to provide an overview of how MATLAB enables you to take advantage of disruptive technologies like deep learning. We will:

  • Show where deep learning is being applied in engineering and science, and how it's driving MATLAB’s development.
  • Demonstrate a workflow for how you can research, develop, and deploy your own deep learning application.
  • Outline what MathWorks engineers can do to help support you achieve success with deep learning.


Technologies demonstrated include:

  • Automating Ground Truth Image Labeling
  • Training and Evaluating an Object Detector
  • Generating optimized native embedded code​

About the Presenter

Loren Shure

Loren has worked at MathWorks for over 30 years. For the first 27 of these years, Loren co-authored several MathWorks products in addition to adding core functionality to MATLAB, including major contributions to the design of the MATLAB language. She is currently part of the Application Engineering team, enabling Loren to spend more time and energy working with customers.

For more than 10 years, traveling worldwide over half of each year, Loren delivers more than 150 technical, strategic, and vision-setting presentations yearly to audiences ranging from hands-on problem solvers through high-level executives.

Loren graduated from MIT with a B.Sc. in physics and has a Ph.D. in marine geophysics from the University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. She is a Senior Member of IEEE; and she is co-author on several patent inventions

Register now>> [Live Event] Deep Learning Overview for Images and Video (techsource-asia.com)

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